Monday, November 15, 2004

yeah... it just happens

So, I figured out yesterday that I'm ahead of the game by $145.00.

Then, last night, while driving to deliver a bag of luggage to West Bumblefuck, PA, I get pulled over for "failure to obey a properly posted traffic control sign." The sign that I failed to obey read "Speed Limit 65." Well, the trooper was nice enuf to give me that citation, as apposed to the "doing 81 in a 65 zone," which would have cost more as well as assigned 4 points to my driving record.

So, I got a fine to pay of $105.00. At least I'm still $45 ahead.

Oh, wait... tomorrow I'm taking Pixel in to get shot. That's $124.00. YAY ME!

"Lord who made the lion and the lamb,
You decreed I should be what I am--
Would it spoil some vast, eternal plan,
If I were a wealthy man?"

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