Monday, December 13, 2004

The Normal Fur

This fur is normal, well-rounded, and enjoys a variety of aspects of the furry fandom. They are polite, well-mannered, and know how to use a colon in a sentence (barring that, they at least make an effort at being legible). They thank artists and writers for their hard work. They enjoy role-playing on the MUCKs. They shake their heads in shame at the antics of the lesser-evolved members of the fandom who still act like brats. They nod in agreement with much of the criticism leveled at the furry community by groups like SomethingAwful, but know that the criticism is not leveled at them, specifically, but rather at the morons who go around screaming, FERSECTIUON OMG!

Characteristics: Polite! Very rarely gets into a flame-fest, and then only on the side of good. Probably goes to cons, if able, and enjoys the company of like-minded people. Sexually, they may be some of the kinkiest people in the fandom, or they may be the most boring frozen-fish in the bed. Sex isnt the most important thing to them, though they may well enjoy it. Generally found on MUCKs and chat more often than Normal Furs; doesn't lurk quite so much.

Rarity and How to Cope: These are the nicest and most pleasant furs in the community. Generally interesting. Although rarer than one may like, usually found on Livejournal and other blogging communities, as well as the occasional forum-crawler. Commonly lurking around on newsgroups.

What type of fur are you?
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So, anywho... Megapixel 2.0 is now 20 weeks old, being a BRAT! This afternoon when I got downstairs, the tree was not in it's expectedly verticle position. I almost neutered the kitten then and there. Instead, I removed everything from the tree, mixed water and lemon extract in a spray bottle, and spritzed the tree, the tree-skirt, and some of the garland with lemony water. According to some websites, cats hate citrus. We'll see how the tree is when I get home.

I'm assuming that it's Pixel who has been playing with my Christmas tree. But, this is the first time that the recovering Jehovah's Witness has slept with a Christmas Tree... perhaps he's sonambulating or something... then there's always the older cat who could be using my assumption to his benefit.

It's time to exit. Later.

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